David Stanley Auctions


David and Ian established David Stanley Auctions in 1980 and are recognised worldwide as the founding auctioneers of quality Antique Woodworking Tools.

Forty years of specialist auctioneering has provided us with an in-depth knowledge of the tools and related items we sell. This enables us to offer advice to both buyer and seller on all aspects of tools and tool collecting.

Our firm is noted for its professional and friendly approach, coupled with reliability and honesty.

We guarantee complete confidentiality to all customers.

Whether you wish to buy or sell top price lots or more mundane items the firm is uniquely positioned to advise you. You will be dealing with the principals, who are therefore able to give an immediate response to queries or problems.

Meet the team at Stordon Grange:



              David and Ann Stanley

        Ian and Dawn Stanley


   Helen Sread

                 John James


We are long time members of the Tool and Trades History Society (TATHS), The Early American Industries Association (EAIA) and the Mid-West Tool Collectors Association (MWTCA) and The Oughtred Society.